Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Who's On Dayre?!

Peepo, I am here to update a very quick post about Dayre!

Many of you who are obsessed about social media have been noticed about Dayre but don't bother to install cz some said they have too many commitments in social media. Indeed, I have Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Blog, Imotiv and now I have Dayre! Bare with me this social media maniac. Lol..

Initially I refused to install but later on feel like giving it a try then if I don't like I may delete it anytime. All in all, I got so hooked up to Dayre. Lol..but you must have a bunch of friends who are updating it daily then only you will have fun doing it. So here I am to share with you briefly about this app! :-)

This is a mini-blogging app which allows you to share all sorts of things like a mini diary of yourself to others. User friendly and it doesn't crashed on my phone. 

This is the home page of Dayre. 
Choose any type of updating tools from the home page for example post a status as quote, upload a picture with words, upload a video with words, add a sticker describing your mood, and last but not least tag a location with updating some words. 

You are allowed to update every single post with maximum of 500 words. If you wanted to write more or update more pictures, then go back to your home page, choose a new tool again then write your story. It will sync as one day post. 


The one beside the home page icon is updates of the stories from the people you followed. You can keep track with other's daily activities. How good! I called it as "kaypo apps"..haha..stalk at others so conveniently but that is how social media serves right? 

Ok la I know this will reveal more about yourself to others then you will think about security reason or whatsoever. But at the same time, you can connect with your friends more closely and have a greater bonding if both of you are in different places studying or working. 

If I have a friend study in UK I don't mind reading his/her stories as a student studying abroad. They may upload pictures of their campus, food, travel, or any daily activities. I will be glad reading it and comment to keep in touch with them. We support each each in a virtual way! *wink*


Click the left icon with the 3 horizontal lines then it will lead you to this page. 

Your settings, explore page to look for your friends *look for me by typing guenxgwen in the explore page under blogs*, and notifications. Yup..Louis, Jaimie, Siew Phing and my secondary school friend Lay Yin are using as well! We need more friends here! Come and join us and be a active user! :p


Click on the bottom arrow in home page then it will lead you to your home page. 


Update on my breakfast in Dayre! 

I still write more words la..not spamming your wall only by writing "My breakfast RM6.20!" Lol..


Go to the bottom of your home page, there are like, comment and share column. Click left it will lead you to the previous day. Click right is the next day. 


You can have a bigger picture of weekly updates. 


And monthly updates. Very user friendly. :-)


It is still very new in the App Store. Install Dayre then we see each other there. 

Find me with the name: guenxgwen in explore page. 


If I know you and you followed me, I promise I will follow you back! :-)


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